Balaji International

All That You Need To Know About Working with Wool Felt

There are so many reasons to work with wool felt these days. Procuring the best quality items from Wool Felt Suppliers and Exporters is the primary step to follow. The edges of these felt won’t fray, and the material is pretty warm. The material will take embroidery beautifully, and you can get these materials in multiple colours.

However, wool felt is slightly different from the regular fabrics you have handled. Some tips and tricks mentioned here will help you get an extra idea about this fabric now.

Wool Felt Supplier and Exporter – more about felt:

Felt is perfectly crafted by matting, rubbing, pressing, and condensing fibres. Various kinds of fibres are used for this procedure, and some of the major ones are acrylic, rayon, and wool.

  • As a result, this process helps create a non-woven textile fabric.
  • As these fibres lock together within the felting process, the fabric will not unravel like any other.
  • So, felt is perfect for sewing, mainly for hand-stitched projects.

More about wool felt:

Make sure not to confuse wool felt with felted wool. Wool felt is mainly woolen fabric, which has been washed and dried with the help of heat.

  • The drying process helps in shrinking the fibres and thickening out the fabric.
  • It helps to offer a soft and fluffy appearance in the end.
  • Felted wool is also a well-known fabric but cannot be used for hand sewing. These materials are perfect for machine-sewn toys and appliqué.

Reasons to use wool felt:

Have you ever wondered why you must invest some bucks in wool felt, especially when the market houses so many options? Well, let’s just start off by saying that it is way more durable when compared to some cheap acrylic stuff.

  • The best part is that the material does not have to be 100% felt to get that boost in quality.
  • The primary thing is that the material is not acrylic.
  • You can try using a mixture of wool and rayon; the result will be great.

Tips for marking on felt:

The trickiest part associated with wool felt is that it is hard to create a mark on it. The material is pretty thick, and you can’t trace a design through it. On the other hand, drawing on wool felt might lift the fibres, making the end result look messy.

However, some materials available in the market can help you create a mark on wool felt. You have Freezer Paper and also Sulky Sticky Fabri-solvy. Let’s get to learn more about these products in a nutshell.

Freezer paper:

  • Freezer paper is perfect to use when trying to cut out small shapes in wool felt.
  • You just have to trace the template or print it out on the paper side of this freezer paper.
  • Now, peel off the freezer paper, and it won’t leave behind any trace. This method is perfect for cutting out small shapes, even precisely.
  • If you need to mark some dots, just punch holes in freezer paper before fusing it up. Later, mark through the hole for that exact placement.

Sulky Sticky Fabri-solvy:

  • If you plan to transfer anything more complex than a mere dot, this Sulky Sticky Fabri-solve is your perfect option.
  • Here, you have to print onto the stabilizer or trace it down. Later, peel off the paper located at the back and stick it to the felt.
  • Make sure to stitch right through the felt and stabilizer, then rinse the stabilizer away.
  • Every one of the trades will dissolve in water, and you will have stitched felt in the end.

The use of whipstitch:

You can also try using whipstitch to appliqué on felt. It can also be used for sewing the pieces together. Whipstitch can be used for both usability, but the stitch looks a bit different for the applications.

The best thread to work with wool felt:

You have finally decided to get in touch with the Wool Felt supplier and purchase the best wool felt in bulk quality. But before you start with the embroidery work, learning more about the important threads used to work with wool felt is vital.

  • Cotton embroidery floss: Cotton embroidery floss is always the commonly used thread for hand sewing or appliqué wool felt. It is targeted to be soft, flexible, fade-resistant, and more. Furthermore, this material comes in over 400 colours, so you have multiple options to choose from. And the best part is that this material is pretty inexpensive. Each skein consists of 6 separate strands. You can use two or three strands based on the project you are handling.
  • Perle Cotton: Treated for increased strength and adding a bit of shine, Perle Cotton is another single-strand thread used with wool felt. The material is lustrous and extra soft. This thread will not knot or kink frequently, much like any regular six-strand floss. This material is available in either a ball or skein, and you can get multiple sizes of it. However, the colour options are limited when compared to six-strand floss.

Get the best product from Balaji International:

Have you been planning on pressed wool felt for a long time? Well, our team from Balaji International is more than happy to help. You can purchase premium quality wool felt from our side in different colours like grey, white, and allexp grey. The thickness of these materials will range from 1/8 to 1, and the rates are always kept towards the minimal side.

Give us a call at +913340681087 or email is at for details.

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